Author Archives: Freeman Ding

[Reading] They deserve our attention

Last Saturday June 27th. at the Glamour Bar in Shanghai, I attended a book talk event.  U.S.  journalist and author Ms. Lynne Joiner previewed her upcoming new book “Honorable Survivor: Mao’s China, McCarthy’s America and the Persecution of John S. Service ” (Link on

It turned out to be a great talk.  Before the talk, I have no idea of who is John S. Service (Jack Service).   Now I learned this American diplomat has played an important role regarding U.S. and China relations prior to and during the World War II, and then was McCarthy’s first victim.

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Travis Darrow: a Social Connector

Before I got known Mr. Travis Darrow, I was proud of my fame of “resourceful/social hub” in my friends circle.  But now I think I am wrong.  I am definitely not the best living example of social hub.

Travis is the most social guy that I have ever met.

I just met Travis in June 11 evening at Shanghai, in the UC Berkeley Haas School of Business party featuring Dean Lyons.  Then I got known Travis is a very active Berkeley alumnus based in Hong Kong.  It was truly enjoyable talking with Travis in the event.

Then the next day I found Travis’ entry on LinkedIn and Facebook.  This guy has 500+  connections on LinkedIn, and 1500+ friends on Facebook.  Oh my god.  🙂

Then I read recommendation words like this:

As the #1 volunteer for UC Berkeley in Hong Kong, Travis is at the hub of so much activity. Travis knows everyone; he is responsive and creative; Travis never hesitates to help fellow alumni.

Travis has been an enthusiastic and professional member of the steering committee of the Berkeley Club of Hong Kong since 2001. Thanks to Travis’ continual and inspiring efforts, loyalty and dedication, the Berkeley Club membership and event participation has grown enormously, which has resulted in countless benefits for the campus.

Oh, then I realized that Mr. Travis must be the “social connector“:

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